EDUC 672:  Connecting With Students Of All Learning Styles

Course Description:  Students learn in different ways.  Some students learn best by seeing, others by hearing, and others by doing.  Some students learn best when being actively engaged.  Other students learn best when the teaching strategies incorporate movement.  In this graduate course, educators will learn activities that are specifically designed for students of all learning styles.  Activities can be modified and adapted for all subject areas and grade levels.  If you are an educator and seeking new and fresh ideas, this course is for you.  This graduate course is open and applicable for teachers at all grade levels and subject areas.  This graduate course is also open to district administrators, building level administrators, intervention specialists, and guidance counselors.

EDUC 674:  Professional Development With A Purpose
Course Description:  Most educators have experienced the frustration of sitting through an in-service or professional development session and left feeling they didn't get a single thing they could use in their classroom.  In the education profession, the purpose of professional development is to help educators remain current in their field and gain new ideas that will benefit their students.  In this graduate course, educators will be bombarded with activities and strategies to take their performance to the next level and benefit students.  Proficiencies will include: reading comprehension, enhancing vocabulary skills, categorization/classification, sequencing skills, and embedding information in to long term memory.  This graduate course is open to educators of all grade levels and subject areas.  This graduate course is also open to district administrators, building level administrators, intervention specialists, and guidance counselors.



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